The author getting wild in the woods of Northern California

Live Your Medicine

Katharine Hargreaves
3 min readDec 8, 2022


It’s time to get more ready.

This year has been a profound growth crucible for many of us.

From building the Radiant Seed Temple for Burning Man to cultivating a new life and community in the heart of the beast (AKA DC) to letting go of an old work story that has been wanting to die for awhile to healing my masculine wound to getting canceled (more on that another time), this year has stretched and tested and recalibrated the very core of my being.

Thank the goddess, because whatever we’re walking toward collectively is asking all of us to get more ready.

One gift revealed by these challenges and shifts is a profound intimacy with the calling that’s been moving me into place, regardless of how much I initially resisted the change. And I don’t think I’m alone in this journey.

Over the past year, my divination work has started to reveal prescient messages for the collective. Although each divination is unique to the person sitting across from me, certain pieces will bring forward parallel information that, after multiple readings, points to a larger pattern.

Each piece in my medicine basket holds an archetypal healing story. Much like a tarot deck, these pieces each represent a universal meaning that will evolve and expand when speaking to a client’s individual context.

One in particular — the ‘power piece’ — has been incredibly active. When it comes out in a reading, it’s speaking to how power is held by that person. It usually appears when someone is suppressing an aspect of their authentic gifts, and as a result is experiencing frustration or stagnancy because they are not acknowledging what is absolutely true. When we deny our power, we deny ourselves the opportunity to find the places and spaces where we are most needed.

This creates a self-reinforcing loop that suffocates one’s true self, ultimately leading to a kind of soul death.

Most of the time, the medicine that’s being asked for is to feel our power and discover where it flourishes by going out into the world and finding the places where one’s gifts are welcomed and needed. If you don’t take responsibility for the power you hold, you will struggle to feel recognized, seen, and accepted in the roles you inhabit.

Because this piece comes through in 90% of my divinations, it tells me that we as a species, a society, and a planet are being called to step into our divine agency and stop hiding.

It is on YOU to step forward and take up your sword.
It is up to YOU to recognize yourself first.

I promise that when you do that, a miraculous ripple effect is generated. People will feel the energetic shift in your presence. Then, you will no longer be riding the fence –which (as I know so well) only generates external confusion and conflicts. Because you are no longer hiding, you will begin to attract the people ready to support you and the things you most desire. It is that easy on the surface.

Summoning the courage to allow yourself to be seen is where the real work lives.

So much of my inner work over the past few years has been healing the damaging beliefs and stories that have kept me small, safe, and ultimately isolated. Through my own rigorous explorations of power and agency — supported by a LOT of ritual work — I have arrived at a place where I’m simply no longer willing to tolerate that bullshit.

This year was a crucible, but also a significant doorway into a part of myself I’ve denied. I’ve guided myself across this threshold numerous times, but now it’s time for me to step forward and guide others.

Beginning now, I’m opening the doors to Live Your Medicine, a mastermind designed to support creative and spiritual practitioners in becoming more visible by crafting a powerful, viable offering.

Because life needs you ready and in your full capacity.

Sign up for 2023.


Katharine Hargreaves is a spiritual mentor, transformational facilitator, ceremonial guide, and initiated medicine womxn. Her first book, The Art of the Experiment, is a transformational manual for people who want to change their life but don’t know where to start. For more information on Katharine and how to work with her, visit her website.



Katharine Hargreaves
Katharine Hargreaves

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