The Power of Perspective
I started studying miracles during the pandemic because frankly, I was in need of one.
But underneath that urge was a deeper desire to understand the mechanics of quantum technologies: natural forces that effect change without the constraint or limitation of time.
One of the most important things I learned was that miracles teach us about right seeing.
In other words: your perspective is one of the most powerful tools you have to re-shape your reality.
If you’re ready to transcend a limiting condition you’ve placed on your potential, miracles can breakthrough that rigid belief and offer an alternative way of seeing things instantly.
I’ll give you a recent example:
Back in June, I received a lovely note from a woman who had been receiving this newsletter for a few years. It was after a particularly potent screed that she wrote to let me know that this confessional about identity had deeply resonated with her. Our email exchange turned into an invitation to do a LinkedIn Live on her channel. Turns out she’s an expert in the hybrid professionals — wild birds like me who remix roles and identities in this strange new world.
(Side note: isn’t it funny how things that get you in trouble in certain areas are celebrated in others?)
A few days later, we hop into the green room 15 min before we go live, and I ask her how she first encountered my work.
She tells me a story that BLOWS MY MIND.
Through a random series of events, she stumbled across a photo of me giving one of my first public talks on universal principles of design four years ago. It was a bold, audacious step for me to share the things I did back then. I was a freshly awakened baby, just at the beginning of this chapter in my journey. Something I shared in that talk moved this woman profoundly, and became one of the mantras that she shared widely…
Including on stage at TedX Boulder.
This news has undone me completely.
You see, I have a story that my story isn’t relatable. However, I also work in the mythical realm of ritual and storytelling. I recognize the power every person’s story holds.
And we absolutely need to hear them — out loud and in public. Regardless of whether we recognize ourselves within them.
The potency of such storytelling is exemplified in an anecdote shared by Malidoma Somé in his controversial memoir Of Water and the Spirit. In the introduction, he recounts an experience he had telling his story of initiation into African shamanhood with a room full of white executives. He worries before he takes the stage that his story can’t be translated — that because of the difference in culture and context, his story won’t reach the people.
What if the medicine of his story didn’t land?
What if it died in the silence?
Then the room gives him a standing ovation. Having his story fully reflected back to him blows his heart wide open.
He is RECEIVED — and it takes him a week to RECOVER.
This story made me weep. How often have I resisted sharing something that I feared wouldn’t connect with the people I desired to reach?
Yet right now, life has me revising some very limiting beliefs. I did not expect to hear the news that my words had reached a global stage. All of a sudden, I am given an opportunity to integrate a possibility that I wasn’t fully trusting.
You see: stories are medicine.
The presenced impact of my story is now showing me a reality I couldn’t actually see before. I was too enmeshed in a subtle game of struggle that didn’t serve me. Now that I’m actively rewriting my subliminal mindfuckery, a most high gift came winging out of the ethers to show me that larger forces than little ol’ me are working in my favor.
This was not my TED talk.
Yet somehow, there I am, taking up space on this stage, my story carried by benevolent hands.
That, my friends, is the power of a miracle.
With deep gratitude to Sarabeth Berk, PhD.
Katharine Hargreaves is a spiritual mentor, transformational facilitator, ceremonial guide, and initiated medicine womxn. Her first book, The Art of the Experiment, is a transformational manual for people who want to change their life but don’t know where to start. For more information on Katharine and how to work with her, visit her website.