Your One True F***
How to get your life (or die trying!)
It’s trendy to not give a fuck.
We’ve all been there – delivering the declaration of ZERO FUCKS GIVEN because it’s easier to wash our hands of the drama than continue feeding it our attention. And with good reason. The news is filled with insane headlines stating exactly what happens when you feed the chaos monsters that populate existence. My dudes, I get it. Drawing boundaries around our personal bubble is not just good energetic hygiene – in today’s world, it’s become an absolute necessity just to stay sane.
The decision to give no fucks is a commitment to personal sovereignty — to owning the authority of our now. In a time when distractions and spam bots abound, the influence others exert in our lives is not to be underestimated – but rather interrogated.
There is, of course, more than one perspective on this reality. Truth be told, sometimes we don’t give a fuck simply because it’s easy. It’s easier to leave someone on read than risk revealing our brutal truth. Slipping out the back door without a goodbye has become the socially acceptable norm instead of confronting the possibility of a rude awakening or rejection. But let’s do ourselves a favor and call it what it is: the release of total responsibility.
After all: caring is active. Not giving a big fat fuck could also be the closeted desire to protect a most valuable commodity: our divine life energy.
The empty-handed transactions and hollow interactions of an era where someone can have millions of followers but no real relationships takes a toll on our mindspace. In a meta-world saturated with opinions and influencers and Facebook gurus and constant fuckery, the true cost of unconscious engagement is more than your attention.
Consciousness has a price tag, my friends, but it doesn’t look anything like money. No, it’s TOTAL RESPONSIBILITY. Because the paradox is that even when we don’t give a fuck, it doesn’t guarantee that we’re free.
In fact, we might be more fucked for not daring to give a fuck or two. Refusing to give your fucks away freely to anyone with something to say is not an excuse to escape. You can’t eradicate yourself from the web we all live within and co-create.
Fucking off has consequences because escapism is contagious.
At the end of the day, I agree that it is mission critical to not waste our life or energy — our life’s energy — on the things that exhaust and exploit us. But not giving a fuck for the sake of not caring too much — misses the whole fucking point. Not giving a fuck about certain things creates a vacuum and we all know nature abhors that.
So fam, maybe it’s time to give some serious fucks. Not giving a fuck about some things creates space for major fucks about other stuff. And isn’t that the point?
Isn’t your life one big, beautiful fuck?
Fucking is the zero point of creation. The spirit portal that gives form to your deepest dwelling desire. For on the other side of not giving a fuck is the ultimate expression of your One True Fuck. Your One True Fuck is the embodied, sublime joy of your soul’s truth and it is not here to play small so you can continue to fuck off. Your One True Fuck does not give a fuck about letting you feel safe and cozy. Your One True Fuck does not Netflix and Chill, it’s here to Hulu and Spank You. Like any good fuck, your One True Fuck has a lot of powerful energy to give. If you don’t channel it wisely, it might just destroy you. Your One True Fuck doesn’t know how to play it casual since it doesn’t carry around the ego we humans do.
So here’s the badnews bears: at the end of the day YOU, my fearless wizard, are a fuck monster.
But like all worthy truths, your One True Fuck scares the living shit out of you. Touching that energy connects you with the pulse of the planet, the force of nature, the power of the sun. You are an extension of the One True Fuck of life too. And by now it should be obvious: life knows how to fuck it up good.
In the grander scheme, right or wrong are rules we invented. Don’t like what’s happening for you? Change the fucking game, my friend. This is a command. Life likes to roll the dice and it doesn’t play to win.
Life plays to expand.
Do yourself a favor and read that again.
The One True Fuck does not nicely coexist with the realm of human rules. It is hard to wrap our conditioned brains, however immense, around the primal nature of the One True Fuck energy we each carry in our DNA. The warning is this: You cannot suppress your fuck drive without castrating your aliveness. For it is through this majestic fucking of our life that we thrive.
It is true that the holy fuck transcends us, for it is beyond us and before us. By now you can see: it gives birth to us too. We are pawns of the greatest fuckery possible: you, me, giraffes, Donald Trump, the person who ate a car, Frida Kahlo. All of us are ingredients in this simmering galactic cauldron. What’s more tasty than some fucking perpetual stew?
So here’s my advice to you. Stop trying to fit the world into a fucking box. Unsubscribe from your judgments and start listening to your joy. Knowledge does not teach you how to pulse. The urge comes before the action. The greatest gift we can give to life then, is not to patrol its borders but to extend them to include more than we can even imagine.
This isn’t a fuck off or a fuck you — we’ve already done that — but rather thrusting with the force of a million years of evolution behind you.
Fuck your life like a volcano that can’t stop erupting.
Fuck your life like a mother lioness who’s hungry for blood.
Fuck your life like a god fighting the stars for light.
Fuck your life like you are breathing for the first time.
Fuck your life like you are saying yes for the last time.
Fuck your life until you can’t stop laughing.
Fuck your life with every cell until you are spent.
The good news is that your greatest fuck is inside you right now. It knows who you are and holds the keys to how you serve the world. It exists in a language you invented. Stop pretending otherwise. It writhes and howls and sings and claps and occasionally wets the bed. Your One True Fuck is messy, delicious, divine. It knows how to heal you. It knows how to live.
Your One True Fuck is waiting to be opened like a holy gift.
What this means in human-speak is that the more you engage and play with your edges, the more you grow. When you go beyond what you already know, you start dancing with the mystery and seducing the sublime. You might encounter a drooling monster out there, but you could just as easily win the Nobel Prize.
When you decide to fuck your life, what is really happening is that you have committed your entire being to living like a laughing God; to feeding life with more life. The more you commit to giving your everything, regardless of the outcome, the more you unlock the most supreme reward: you will become, by all definitions, UNFUCKWITHABLE.
In other words: reject nothing, become everything.
So if you need a treasure map for this life, you fucking joy buccaneer, here it is: start fucking the universe like you mean it.
Katharine Hargreaves is a spiritual mentor, transformational facilitator, ceremonial guide, and initiated medicine womxn. Her first book, The Art of the Experiment, is a transformational manual for people who want to change their life but don’t know where to start. For more information on Katharine and how to work with her, visit her website.